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Ping Pong

Unlock Emotional and Mental Mastery: Reclaim Your Life from the Chains of Addiction



Are you tired of hugging a cactus? Living a life where your emotions and thoughts control you like a puppet on strings? If you've battled addiction and are ready to break free from the relentless grip of limiting beliefs and behaviors, then you're in the right place. Welcome to the transformational journey of "Emotional and Mental Mastery."




Imagine a life where every step is agony, where every choice you make feels like grasping onto a prickly cactus. If you've battled addiction, you know this pain all too well. The pain of living in the shadow of your own emotions and thoughts, allowing them to dictate your every move. It's time to stop the torment and break free from the vicious cycle.




Living at the mercy of your emotions and thoughts can be a harrowing experience. It's like being trapped in a dark room, surrounded by walls of doubt, fear, and despair. The haze of addiction clouds every decision, and your true potential remains locked away, out of reach.


Break free of the Chains:


But here's the good news – you can break free from those chains! You can learn to master your emotions, thoughts, and rid yourself of those limiting beliefs that have held you back for far too long. Our "Emotional and Mental Mastery" course is your key to liberation.


What You Will Gain: ✨


Emotional Resilience: Learn to navigate the highs and lows of life with grace and composure.


Thought Control:


Regain control over your mind so it no longer controls you. ✨ Overcome Limiting Beliefs: Say goodbye to self-doubt and embrace a limitless mindset. ✨


Healthy Habits:


Replace destructive behaviors with positive, life-affirming habits. ✨


Personal Empowerment:


Discover your inner strength and unlock your true potential.


The Power of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Positive Psychology: Our course is not just another self-help program; it's a transformational journey crafted using the power of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). NLP is the secret sauce that will help you rewire your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors for lasting change.


Your Expert Guide: Meet John, your guide and mentor on this life-altering journey. With 40 years of experience in NLP and a deep understanding of the psychology behind addiction and recovery, John has helped countless individuals like you regain control over their lives.


Unlock Your Full Potential:


Don't let addiction continue to hold you back. It's time to release yourself from the cactus-like grip of your past and embrace a future filled with hope, joy, and unlimited possibilities.


Limited Spots Available:


We believe in providing personalized attention to each of our participants. Therefore, we have limited spots available for this exclusive program. Act now to secure your place in this life-changing experience.

Invest in Yourself: Investing in this course is an investment in your future. Imagine a life where you are no longer a slave to your circumstances, emotions, or thoughts. Your journey to emotional and mental mastery begins here.


Join Us Today: Break free from the pain of hugging a cactus. Embrace a life of freedom, joy, and fulfillment. Take the first step towards your transformation by enrolling in our


"Emotional and Mental Mastery" course today!

Act now, and let's begin your journey to a brighter, happier, and addiction-free future.

 - Enroll Now


Are you still hugging the cactus

The Consequences of Being a Slave to Your Circumstances:

What you will receive

  1. One weekly live Zoom meeting for ten weeks. (recording available)

  2. Includes video, and audio meditations

  3. Training is delivered in a fun way

  4. This unique and masterful course will keep you focused until you have completed the course.

  5. Group chat and community are available

  6. One on One coaching for the 10 weeks

  7. Have five audio Nano Actions each week (three-minute audio to suggest a new action)

  8. Learn about the FreedomHour's learning stack-How to learn faster and better than you have ever dreamed of.

  9. Course is experiential and not about information. (Closing the gap of what you know and what you do)

  10. Certificate of Completion

  11. An invitation to join our Coaching the Coach Program


Discover the path to Inner Peace with our on-demand coaching course. Now you can take the journey towards peace anywhere and anytime. Our 6-week training in development will guide you through the steps to inner harmony and balance. Sign up now and start your journey to finding your inner peace today.


Learn more by booking a no-obligation Zoom meeting. Click on the "Learn More" button below to book a meeting




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