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Ready to Elevate Your Recovery Journey with John's Highly Effective Coaching?

We see you. We see the isolation and fear that mark your recovery path, the anxiety that often keeps you up at night, and the barrage of negative thinking that seems never-ending. We see how those limiting beliefs pull you back, keeping you tied to your past. 


You've been trying to control these overwhelming emotions and maintain some semblance of stability. But these survival tactics aren't working anymore, are they? They leave you feeling more isolated and more fearful... It’s like you're stuck in a cycle of pain and struggle.


Your sponsor in the 12-step rooms has supported you through the **Big Book**, leading you through the Twelve Steps. Yet despite their good intentions and shared wisdom, it just doesn’t seem enough...

It feels like something is still missing…


That's where John comes in.


John isn't just another sponsor but a coach who has navigated this tough path for over 51 years... A journey filled with invaluable lessons and wisdom that go beyond what's discussed in regular recovery rooms.


John’s highly effective coaching focuses on tackling those key pain points - isolation, fear, anxiety, negative thinking, and limited beliefs… He is your guide out of the past and into the present - where true healing resides.


With his wealth of experience alongside training in contemporary evidence-based practices for emotional and mental freedom, John doesn’t just help manage your pain. He equips you with tools to transform it, paving your way from surviving to truly thriving.


Here's what his highly effective coaching brings:


Personalized Strategies: Customized plans focusing on your unique challenges…

Unbiased Feedback: Fresh perspectives to help break free from limiting beliefs…

Long-Term Success: Techniques designed for sustainable growth and resilience…

Accountability: A dedicated partner genuinely invested in your recovery journey…


The difference between sponsorship and coaching is this - Sponsorship offers a comforting hand to hold. However, Coaching arms you with life skills to confidently traverse the path…and not just walk it, but *own it*!


John understands that results matter, and he delivers. He's guided countless individuals through their transformative recovery journey, empowering them to overcome their fears and anxieties, shifting their negative thoughts to positive affirmations, and replacing their limiting beliefs with endless possibilities.


Why not take that bold step? Embrace the opportunity to experience, desire, and most importantly, ACHIEVE MORE.


Book an appointment with John today. Discover how his coaching style resonates with your journey. And if it's a fit, brace yourself for a transformative recovery journey surpassing all expectations.


The power to transform your recovery journey is just a click away... The question is - will you seize this moment? Will you take action today?

Ping Pong

Welcome to the FreedomHour experience! Here, we offer four distinct paths to your transformation: Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. Each level is tailor-made to match your unique journey. 

But if you want the ultimate hands-on experience, our Platinum tier is just the ticket. It's our most intensive course, offering personalized one-to-one coaching with John himself!

Now imagine this... John at your beck and call for as many sessions as you need over ten weeks.


... Sounds amazing, right? That's not all! This package also includes a deep dive into Emotional Mastery. You'll be equipped with tools that empower you to take command of your emotional landscape


Intrigued? I bet you are... And guess what? You can book a Zoom meeting with John right now! He'll help you figure out which category fits like a glove.


So why wait another second? Dive into this incredible opportunity for transformation NOW! Book your Zoom session with John today and start your journey towards complete freedom at FreedomHour!

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